Speed Up the Process

Speed Up the Process

What’s up friends? Hope everyone’s having an awesome week.

Let’s start with the major theme I want to talk about. It’s really something that I’ve been learning lately as I try to provide more value and service to my clients. It’s also something that we’ve all heard before so this should just serve as a reminder.

The more you do, the better you become.

This also ties in with the whole “you don’t have enough experience” idea that a lot of you are struggling with. Bottom line is you have to do. You have to take action. Action leads to so many amazing things:

  1.  The more action you take; the more you do, the quicker you will find out what you love and what you don’t love. If you’re not putting yourself out there and trying new things, you’ll never discover if you enjoy it or not. Why not pick up a camera and see if you like taking pictures or shooting videos? Why not get out some paper and write down how you felt today? Why not try to start a podcast? Start a vlog. See if you like it. There’s only one way to find out.
  2. The more action you take, the more you start to develop that skill. I’ve had an interest in photography and videography for a while now. By no means do I consider myself a “professional” photographer (yet) but I’m finding that the more I do it the better I become. Good old practice makes perfect. We’ve all heard it. But I think that practice requires some patience, and that’s where a lot of people go wrong. If they think they like something they’ll pick it up, try it for a few weeks, maybe a few months, and if they’re not happy with it they put it down. Patience! It takes time to develop new skills. If you really like it, don’t give up.
  3. The more action you take, the more you shorten the learning curve. This is a big one for all of us who lack experience. How do we get more experience? Go out and do. A lot of it. In my case, I can film and edit one video a month. At that rate, it’s going to take forever to get any better at that skill set. If I shoot and edit say two, three videos a week I’m learning that much faster, which is huge! Figure out ways to gain experience in the field that you’re pursuing. Maybe reach out to someone who does what you want to do and see if you can shadow them for a day, a week. Immerse yourself in that and figure out how it really works.

The Grind

This morning I had a great meeting with two of my business mentors. We went over some business strategy and some action steps that I need to take here in the next few weeks. Then I went to my parent’s new house and helped with some painting. Here’s another quick little takeaway, and this is just me being honest. When you start your own business you may have to do little side jobs that you don’t necessarily enjoy. No, painting walls is not my favorite thing to do. Trust me, I can’t wait for the day to come when I don’t have time to paint walls. I can’t wait for the day that my business is making enough money and there’s no need for me to say yes to side jobs. However, right now it’s all part of the process. And this process makes that day when I can say no to those things so much sweeter.

Then I got to film for a client, which was a lot of fun an went well. Got home around 7:45 tonight. Pretty long day. Feels good to be busy though, even if some of it’s not exactly what I want to be doing.

To everyone out there- keep going hard. Continue to push yourself and take more action. You’ll find out so much about yourself in the process.

It’s a vibe. ❤

More Do, Less Fence

More Do, Less Fence

Two quick takeaways for all of you: (Putting the takeaways first, since that’s what adds the most value for all of you)

On days that you don’t have much to do, FIND something to do, even if it’s something small. Although being patient is key, it’s important that you are moving forward in the right direction.

Also, really big lately on not just sitting on ideas. I think we tend to sit on the fence for way too long. We wait until we think everything is perfect and we waste so much time telling ourselves that we’re not ready yet. I say you should just go for it. If you mess up, step back, readjust, and go again. Taking action is the only thing that matters. It’s also the thing that you have total control over.

Wrapping up a solid day. Lately I’ll have a few days during the week that are pretty full with meetings and phone calls and follow ups. But other days the schedule is pretty much empty. Those are the days that are tough for me. Today was a busy one- my favorite days.

Three really good meetings this morning. Had a good phone call with a client. Filmed for a client. And ended with a really nice dinner with some friends. I have a bunch of things that seem to be lining up and going in the right direction, which is really exciting. It’s really all about patience. Which is tough because the nature of being patient is waiting, but when you are waiting you feel like you should be doing more. Finding that balance has been challenging. Sure, you can always be doing more. But at this stage in my startup, doing more isn’t necessarily going to get me where I want to be. I have to move smart and be strategic as I try to gain experience and make the right connections. To me, it feels more like a marathon. I’m constantly taking steps in the right direction. Yes, I wish I could pick up the pace a little bit but it will come with time.

It’s a vibe. ❤


Big Transition!

Big Transition!

What up fam. Hope all of you are well! It’s been way too long since I’ve done anything with itsavibe. I’ve been focused on trying to build my business and everything that comes with that journey.

I’m going to start using itsavibe to basically journal about this stage of life that I’m in. I think my story is pretty unique and some of you might find it inspiring or interesting. Not many people try to start a business right out of college with little to no experience. It even sounds kind of crazy as I’m typing it. But, it’s been amazing so far and I wouldn’t want it any other way.

Going forward, the purpose of itsavibe will be to document what I’m going through as an aspiring entrepreneur. I always say “aspiring” because I have yet to build anything significant yet. I’m still in the startup phase. I’m certainly making progress every day. I’d like to move faster and grow quicker but the process has been really fun and eye-opening. These posts will be 100% real. Honest. Vulnerable. Because the truth is that entrepreneurship and doing things differently than the majority of the people around me is hard. Entrepreneurship is not what you see on Instagram accounts and tv shows. It’s not flashy. It’s not fancy. It’s not attractive. At least not to start. So, in trying to paint the picture and tell the true story I want to write about the hard stuff. The challenges. The rejections. Really want to unveil what going after something you really want to do looks/feels like.

Some of you may not really care and that’s 100% fine. Some of you might be able to relate to it or might even be considering doing your own thing or starting something new. Those are the people I’m trying to reach with this. If I can inspire, encourage, or help those people in any way then this will be worth it.

Hoping to be able to post several times a week. They will be shorter posts, probably written at the end of a day. Hope you all can take something away from it. Thanks for the support. Keep grinding.

It’s a vibe. ❤