I’ve had some time this week to reflect on how I spent my Memorial Day weekend. I’m sure you guys also spent the weekend with family and friends. Lots of laughs. Some chirping. A multitude of good vibes, some might say. Making memories. It’s those priceless, precious moments that truly bring sooooo much value into our lives.

We all have a lot going on, all the time. There’s so many things that capture our attention day-to-day, week to week. What I realized this week was that it’s crazy how when you’re spending time with the people you care about all of that “stuff” seems to disappear. All the uncertainty, the stress, the pressures, the expectations that life throws at us- all of it fades into the background when we focus our attention on the people around us.

We have to be intentional about these relationships if we want them to grow and flourish.

Family. Friendship. The love we all have for each other. Something truly special happens when you bring those individuals together and share moments with one another. It’s really cool to see everyone’s personalities collide and contribute to the vibe. All those little things, the little pieces that make each of us different come together and make something whole.

I know sometimes I make excuses that take me away from spending time with my friends. The classic, “I don’t feel like driving all the way out there,” or, “I don’t want to spend a lot of money on that dinner or that happy hour.” I’m challenging myself to stop making those excuses. I’ve learned that those long drives are worth it every single time. That bill is worth it 110% of the time. It’s the memories we make now that live on forever. It’s the relationships that we form and we build that last a lifetime. We can’t take them for granted. We have to be intentional about these relationships if we want them to grow and flourish.

So I just wanted to take this post to say thank you. To my whole family. To all my friends. I’m soo sooo blessed to have you guys in my life. I wouldn’t be the person that I am today without you guys. I won’t become the person I’m trying to be without your love and support. I appreciate all the moments we’ve shared together thus far and I look forward to all the amazing memories we have yet to create together. Much love!

And real quick, take some time this weekend to make a little list of people who you care about that you haven’t heard from in a while. Maybe once a week go through that list and reach out to those people. See how they are doing. Just check in with them. Show that appreciation. Show that you care. You’ll both get something out of it.

Let’s get intentional. Let’s encourage each other. Let’s grow together. Let’s challenge each other.

It’s a vibe. ❤


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